Susan E. Kaberry and Beth Cox

Instagram Live

Instagram Live Join me on Instagram Live next Friday, 12 November 2021 at 10am (GMT).  I’ll be chatting to the journalist and author, Clover Stroud. We’ll be talking about life, death, loss, relationships and all things in-between – as well as my memoir, Britannia Street.

French inspiration

French Inspiration Rennes-le-Chateau is a tiny village which became famous because of the strange story of Berenger Saunier, who was the village priest in the early part of the 20th Century. He arrived as a penniless and reputedly drunken priest. But something happened to change things. He became rich. He spent a lot of money on […]

Moving on

Moving On Roll forward the years, I’m a third-year student nurse. I would soon qualify and become an SRN (State Registered Nurse). I was working on a female medical ward (medical as distinct from surgical). One of my contemporaries, who was also a friend, was on the same ward. We worked well together as experienced […]

First Steps

First Steps An interest in reading and writing often starts in childhood and I was an avid reader as a child. Little Grey Rabbit books by Alison Uttley were early favourites, followed by Enid Blyton. I think I read everything she wrote. The Famous Five and The Secret Seven were particularly engrossing and I had collections of them on my […]